I got an old Windows 7 laptop that was going to be thrown out and decided to put Linux on it (see previous thread here). Most people suggested I go with the latest stable version of Debian, so that’s what I installed. I’ve mostly used Windows, but I do have some experience with Ubuntu.
The installation went smoothly, but I’ve had a few problems getting it set up to my liking:
- I can’t figure out how to setup flatpak. Everything seems to be working fine until I enter the last line in the terminal:
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
I hit enter and nothing happens. No error message or anything. I restarted the computer but flatpak doesn’t work, either through the software center or the flatpak website. I found a few forum posts with the same problem, but no solutions.
I somehow set it up so that my username is not the super user, so I have to type a password in the terminal every time I want to use sudo. Is there a way to fix this without a clean install?
I somehow set up the hard drive partitions so that the OS is on an encrypted partition, so I have to put in a password for the BIOS to boot up. Is there a way to fix this without a clean install?
I’m used to a desktop interface with a toolbar/start menu that I can pin frequently-used programs to, but with Debian it seems like I need to click “Activities” to do anything. Is there a way to set up the interface so it’s more like Windows in that regard?
If I need to do a clean install, I’m thinking of switching to Ubuntu, since I’m more familiar with the interface. Is there any reason why I should stick with Debian? I’ve heard some people trashing Ubuntu but I’m not sure why. Is Debian better for older hardware?
Edit: Thanks for all the knowledgeable replies. I did a fresh install of Debian 12 (64 bit) with KDE and it seems to have resolved all my problems. Although it’s a little slow and buggy, I’ve had to reboot it twice. I’ll try a lightweight DE if that continues.
Hard to help without logs or error messages. Maybe you could run the command with --verbose flag to see if it prints out something that might help?
This is default behavior and probably shouldn’t be changed. It’s a good idea to set up your normal user without root privileges and it’s a good idea to ask for authentication credentials whenever you need to elevate privileges.
If you really want to remove the password, you can follow the guide here: https://linuxhandbook.com/sudo-without-password/
Again, if you want encrypted disk, then this is actually good behavior, but in case you want to decrypt the disk without reinstall - it’s possible, but not entirely simple or newbie friendly procedure, you need to know a bit about disk devices and mounting drives, for reference, see: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/60971/how-to-remove-luks-encryption
Debian comes with Gnome Desktop by default. There are many other desktop environments, if you want to test them. See: https://wiki.debian.org/DesktopEnvironment
You can also tweak and change Gnome with addons and extensions to suit your needs - see https://extensions.gnome.org/
The same linux kernel (in various versions) is running underneath all the distributions, so it’s really just a matter of preference. Since you’re new, hop around - try Ubuntu, Mint, Pop!, Fedora, Arch and everything else to see what you prefer.
Have fun!