Some linux distros are also damn easy to install, easier than windows just try for yourself
Some linux distros are also damn easy to install, easier than windows just try for yourself
I have a hard time believing you are a daily linux user
4k120 must be really important for you if you are willing to sacrifice all your privacy and security for it
Linux already replaced windows for any serious task
On some linux distros the only thing you have to press is “yes”. Sounds easier to me than having to press “no” for 10 minutes
Compared to same linux distros, it is.
Sounds like you have never installed linux
People think window is easier because that’s what they are used to. If all schools in a city were to suddenly drop windows and switch to linux you would see microsoft coming at them with donations and offering free deals. It already happened more than once.
People who don’t care is the reason Linux Desktop is at 3% and not 100%
I promise that i won’t give them to anyone, the company you are talking about states they sell them to others
I just tell people the truth
It’s stated on their privacy agreement that they collect and sell your data. Did you read it all before signing up on steam? On the bogus website you mentioned it is also explained how even “anonymized” data can be point back at you. Any big tech has been doing illegal shit for decates, it’s all over the stories, just go on lemmy frontpage to see same shit gafam do. Steam is the company that promotes gambling to kids, they are no exception in this world.
To be stupid is not a slur it’s also a fact. If you smoke cigarettes to look cool knowing they are bad for you, you are stupid. If you use steam and everyone keeps telling you that it’s bad but you overlook it and don’t want to understand, you are stupid.
Already did that, i offered them a bunch of money and they will sell me all your data
Most of these stores sell your data to third parties and do that just for profits. Remember that we are on the linux sub. What data was recorded when you bought your linux?
I’ve bought and play hundreds of games without having to provide a single information.
What do you think it’s worst: being called an idiot in the middle discussion or having all your data mined maliciously and sold to third parties and having your kids abducted into gambling?
Sad that you can’t understand someone making a point
Same on many linux distros but without having to enter a license key