You aren’t wrong in the bigger picture, but the fact that I can change to the highest resolution and I get essentially 0 buffer time and it just automatically starts playing at the higher resolution tells me that the bandwidth is there between my device and whatever server I end up connected to that is hosting the data. Otherwise I would likely have a slight delay of a few seconds for it to buffer as it pulls down the data.
And even if you select high resolution preferred in settings, they will absolutely serve that shit at a low resolution forcing you to manually select the resolution every damn time.
Yes YouTube my connection is absolutely fast enough to watch at the max resolution you can serve, don’t pretend it’s my connection to cover for your intentional bumping down in resolution.
If it’s based off of Debian 12 then it’s the old version of SteamOS.
I figured it out.
I was already headed the right direction by using something like this…
<button text=“Hold Enter” ontap=“enterhold” ondoubletap=“enterrelease” />
But for whatever reason it seems to ignore a double tap to release it, maybe I’m just too slow on tapping lol. I changed it to onhold=“enterrelease” and it works like intended.
They probably will if they get a takedown request.
I’m guessing you are uploading US related material by your comment.
If you are concerned about it, like maybe you have an account that you don’t want to lose, then make another account and upload it.
Thank you for the explanation.
I did notice that they said HDMI/DP but didn’t really put two and two together to understand that it was for each port. Makes more sense now.
Also didn’t know what the starship/Matisse was either.