if you want i3 but on wayland, you could try sway. It is exactly that, you can even reuse most of your i3 config file.
Born in the early eighties, French nerd, anti-fascist, woke bloke and usually friendly.
if you want i3 but on wayland, you could try sway. It is exactly that, you can even reuse most of your i3 config file.
I love debian because it’s always there for you.
Interesting. Kept it in my wallabag, if I ever grow tired of sway.
I’d build my own. More seriously, I’d use a mac, but would pester all day, like the few weeks I tried macOS at work before bringing my own computer.
Setting up my weird keyboard layout :
sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
on debianSetting up a keyboard shortcut to launch a terminal with Meta+Return:
Using a tiling window manager:
install i3wm
Do you need a DE? I use sway and a few kde apps (konsole, okular, gwenview, dolphin) + firefox and thunderbird, I wouldn’t call that a DE…