In case this is a compositor issue, there is a keybind on KDE that lets you toggle it off. Easier than switching it in the settings every time.
In case this is a compositor issue, there is a keybind on KDE that lets you toggle it off. Easier than switching it in the settings every time.
I’ve been using duckduckgo for years. It used to be great. Nowadays whenever I use it I have to redo the search with !g or !b again to see the same garbage results and maybe between the three of them I find what I was looking for.
Now I’m using searx with 3 4 enignes selected to at least get their results in the same page. It’s slower than I like it to be but overall it’s faster than redoing the search in multiple engines.
here you dropped your whitespace 🤏
unfortunately it would probably just replace the context menu key. which I’ve already set it to keyboard layout switch. 😁 it’s the best keybind I have. way faster than mod+space or alt+shift 😅
as an i3wm user, I approve 😁
lightweight media server Super fast indexing. Smooth web client. Also supports the subsonic api. I’ve been using the web client locally for some years now. I can also access my library on the go with substreamer on Android which is great.
not exactly what you want. but check out gaming on whales Wolf docs. it’s configured for gpu accelerated X11 apps on docker. if I recall correctly one of the documents explained settings up nvidia drivers on docker completely.
aren’t they already? It’s been some time since I worked in video. but I remember HLS manifest had ad insertion built-in.
fortunately this one isn’t an acronym. so the pronunciation is obvious. 😊