Yeah the logistics are totally missing in the reporting, and legislators are technically incompetent.
It’s like when the press reports that a governement announces they’re going to ban TikTok. Sorry, that’s not possible. All they can do is force companies to delist the software, but then that just forces folks to download the app from a less trustworthy sources.
So how are they going to hotmic my device running AOSP? Sorry, that’s not going to happen.
Yeah the logistics are totally missing in the reporting, and legislators are technically incompetent.
It’s like when the press reports that a governement announces they’re going to ban TikTok. Sorry, that’s not possible. All they can do is force companies to delist the software, but then that just forces folks to download the app from a less trustworthy sources.
So how are they going to hotmic my device running AOSP? Sorry, that’s not going to happen.