The standard price where I grew up was $13. Feels like a steal these days.
The standard price where I grew up was $13. Feels like a steal these days.
Dutch has a lot of good ones!
Hippo: Nile Horse (nijlpaard)
Leopard: Lazy Horse (luipaard)
Sea urchin: Sea Hedgehog (zee egel)
Seal: Sea Dog (zeehond)
Skunk: Stink Animal (stinkdier)
Turtle: Shield Toad (Schildpad)
Slug: Naked Snail (Naaktslak)
Porcupine: Spiky Pig (Stekelvarken)
Edit: formatting
Yeah, I only had a handful of CDs because they were too expensive! I jumped on the napster train and got a CD burner as soon as I could.