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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Another point of view is that OSS and Linux is absolutely amazing.

    With a very limited set of exceptions, you can grab Ubuntu or Fedora or whatever, make a USB boot drive, and be in a GUI and shitposting on the internet in about 5 minutes.

    Linux has grown tremendously from when I started using it, which was when you’d probably have to end up editing a config file for X11 to add the modeline so X knew the resolution and refresh rate of your monitor because there was no auto-configuration for anything more than like 640x480@60hz (and even that might not work).

    And in just a few years we went from very very few games working with Wine, to damn near everything that doesn’t need ring0 rootkits working almost perfectly.

    So yeah, it’s not perfect, but it’s absolutely light years from where it was 5 or 10 or 20 years ago and maybe focusing on how great it actually is vs bemoaning the things that still need work will help keep you motivated.

    That said, at the end of the day software is just a hammer: you use it to build something. If Linux doesn’t work but MacOS does, or Windows, or whatever does then use what works. There’s no point in using something that doesn’t do what you want to the point that you’re angry/stressed/tired of dealing with it, because life is way too short to spend all your time fighting broken software when all you wanted to do was draw a picture or play a game or watch a movie or whatever.

  • I don’t think it’s the NDA itself, so much as the tone of the way people framed their announcement of it.

    Since I haven’t used a Star Wars analogy in a long time, I’ll try one:

    If your babysitter wrote you and told you that they’ve got a meeting with the Galactic Empire to take care of younglings on Coruscant, but they can’t talk to you about it, you’d probably be a little concerned.

    Like you know how that ended LAST time, and don’t really have any reason to think that this is somehow different, so you’re probably going to freak out about it.

    As with most things in life, if you make announcements, make them super vague, and include things like ‘I’m going to talk to Zuck about his new project, can’t tell you anything’ then you’re leaving it up to the interpretation of the reader.

    And so everyone is going to assume whatever based on their biases, and if there’s a group of people who are MORE anti-Facebook biased than Fediverse users, I don’t know who that would be.

  • It’s a combination of:

    1. people hate Facebook and don’t want them anywhere near the fediverse and
    2. secret talks with NDAs never foretell good things.

    Meta’s reputation most certainly precedes them here, and they’re not a company known for politely co-existing with others but rather for stomping in, and taking what they want and packaging it and selling it.

    IMO people have a reasonable basis for reacting strongly (though it’s 2023 and the ‘hyperbolic over-reaction’ is the required thing online it seems).