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I have a weak back already… is it advisable to start lifting heavy things still? Last time i did i felt like my back got worse. Poor technique perhaps?
Indeed, DnD has been catching my interest but have never known any players, and jumping in the DM role is daunting. BG3 lets me play something very close to DnD without any hassle.
With no multiclass stat restrictions, does monk/barb actually need wis?
Also you can go all in on either str or dex just fine because of monk weapons.
And you won’t use wis for much anyway – is there anything other than Stunning Strike DC affected by wis?
Your spoiler works for me on Jerboa.
“If you are not rich because you were lucky, you are rich because you took it.”
Gotcha. So, what does social democracy have to do with it again?
Romans go home (?)