I’m so excited! Will it not suck completely? Maybe!
I’m so excited! Will it not suck completely? Maybe!
It was a joke…
Geez. Linux community is extremely uptight and extremely triggered by any challenge, even whimsical. Relax guys. But seriously, Firefox kind of sucks.
So just to install chrome?
Edit: I got down voted for saying people use edge for downloading Chrome. A lot of edge lovers here, who would have known?
I know the Linux community doesn’t want to know, but Firefox is not as belowed as you might think.
You wrote down a reason why Russian bots are bad and one that is not really true. Russian bots aren’t saying just about anything. Not to mention most people wouldn’t mind if a self proclaimed Russian bot started to push for vanilla ice cream over chocolate agenda. They would “not lose sleep” over it, but then some still go out and buy some vanilla. Even if they don’t believe in marketing.
It doesn’t really matter if they are a bot or a useful idiot if they are doing the same job.
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Very true.
I want to like it, but it’s so hard. It’s easier to like almost everything else.
Why beat a dead horse? :)
I want to be offended, but people that have seen me criticise Gimp have called me so many worse things, that with “pleb” I don’t feel anything anymore.
Try at least mentioning that I’m an Adobe abused demented slave or something of sorts.
That most users rather use a painting program to edit photos?
Sorry but there has to be something there…
Yeah… I know. Me too, in a weird and twisted masochistic way. Still, I’d like it a lot more if ux improved.
Gimp is for Chads only I guess. :D
I’m soft with my UX requirements and time constraints.
Memes ok. Still, there is better stuff out there for memes.
I have the best wishes for all the developers and what they make after gimp experiment ends.
Not a problem at all for me. What I said is true. The proof is that people rather use krita.
You can’t say there isn’t anything to it. But for sure I agree it isn’t the whole story.