I doubt many are looking for 8-bay DAS, anything larger than 4-bay you are probably better off with NAS. Many DAS have limited RAID support, which can make having more drives more risky.
But i already have a computer that works well enough, isnt it a waste to completly replace it with a nas?
I already did that but nothing changed, stillthankqs for the input!
Thanks this was a very usefull anwser!!!
I currently use firewalld is their a diffrents in terms of security ?
Thanks for your anwser i will look into your links!!!
I meant firewalld im sorry
Thanks for the time to anwser. What is the diffrents between ufw and systemds firewall ?
Hmm the installer pops up but when im trying to install it instantly says “Installation canceld” it has write access to the selected folder.
wow omg did not excpect that to work but the installer did indeed pop up. Thank you very much!!!
Thanks for your anwser. Would you mind going in a bit more detail im relatifly new to nix.
I think prometheus + grafana might be what you are looking for. In combination with loki grafana can also be used for viewing log messages.