What exactly do you think the vm is running on if not the system kernel with potentially more layers.
What exactly do you think the vm is running on if not the system kernel with potentially more layers.
The container should always be updated to march production. In a non-container environment every developer has to do this independently but with containers it only has to be done once and then the developers pull the update which is a git style diff.
Best practice is to have the people who update the production servers be responsible for updating the containers, assuming they aren’t deploying the containers directly.
It’s essentinally no different than updating multiple servers, except one of those servers is then committed to a local container respository.
This also means there are snapshots of each update which can be useful in its own way.
By telling potential allies they’re as bad as the enemy of course! It’ll start working any day now.
The leftists have their own magical thinking and it’s seems be to inherient to the movement. But unlike rightist magcial thinking, one cannot bully their way to a leftist paradise so right wins and will always win until the leftists compromise. No sign of that happening in my life time.
Not everyone. Capitalists love capitalism. It’s the people who aren’t capitalists but think they are because they love capitalism.
Sort of like how people think they are Christian’s because they go to church believe in Jesus, but don’t actually follow the teachings.
People think they are all sorts of things they are not and make themselves and or other miserable because of their fantasies.
Were you always insufferable or did it take practice?
Based on the comments here, McDonalds probably made the graphic.
Everyone is more focused on how it should have been done rather then fuming at McDonalds for price gouging.
I am Satoshi!
Based on many of the other comments, I don’t think most people understood the joke.