I’m no stranger to false positives, especially when virus scanners are all too keen to label things as “hacktools” and class them as malicious. However there is apparently no need for an online fix at the moment as there is no real authentication to play online so I just can’t understand why there are so many calls to specific IP addresses that aren’t in the legitimate version. (As there are currently no need to run pirated servers)
Also it’s the first time I’ve see so many sigma flags in the sandbox tests. When I see “Critical: Ransomware” I get spooked. (As I’ve never seen this level of warning before. Nothing above a medium, infact)
Ive done quite a bit of googling but haven’t been able to find much to dissuade my fears with sandbox flags like these… What’s more cracks from different users all have differing detection flags and call different IP addresses…
TL;DR: I’m out of my depth with this one.
I was obsessing over these back in the day but it was at the upper end of what I could possibly manage to wangle as a Christmas and Birthday present combined… Then I discovered that a refurbished, like new, PsP 1000 phat could be had for less than half the price that these were retailing for and not only was the modding / emulating scene more active and better supported but it also opened an entire new library of native PsP games.
I don’t regret my choice in the slightest. Although I still think these are really cool.