I mean, when I was a young man (to be honest as young as 12) I had sexual “fun” with girls in my class (after school, not during!). And I had hetero sex pretty early. I didn’t come out as gay until my mid-20s. But I’ve noticed that with women, often they seemed a little less clean “down there” than men. I think it’s just because females have parts down there that get mucky…(don’t mean to gross anyone out).
I know people assume men must be gross down there, but most guys I’ve been with are not at all. In fact, not even in the slightest. Maybe I lucked out with really clean guys - but I prefer their body cleanliness environment (?) to that of women. I hope that doesn’t seem sexist, but it probably is.
Exactly. JFC how nasty are the asses these people encounter? Wash your asses!
I mean, when I was a young man (to be honest as young as 12) I had sexual “fun” with girls in my class (after school, not during!). And I had hetero sex pretty early. I didn’t come out as gay until my mid-20s. But I’ve noticed that with women, often they seemed a little less clean “down there” than men. I think it’s just because females have parts down there that get mucky…(don’t mean to gross anyone out).
I know people assume men must be gross down there, but most guys I’ve been with are not at all. In fact, not even in the slightest. Maybe I lucked out with really clean guys - but I prefer their body cleanliness environment (?) to that of women. I hope that doesn’t seem sexist, but it probably is.
There’s no way to know if it’s all men or only gay men this is true for, besides it being only anecdotal.