My fonts look OK but they’re different fonts (and I’m running Citrix thin clients etc so that may well be messing with ability to do sub-pixel tweaking etc).
And I actually like my “native” and “wsl” emacs to look different… I share init.el files (~/.emacs.d/ is a symlink to /mnt/c/Users/… etc) but make sure I use different themes and change the frame title to make it easy to distinguish between the two instances.
My fonts look OK but they’re different fonts (and I’m running Citrix thin clients etc so that may well be messing with ability to do sub-pixel tweaking etc).
And I actually like my “native” and “wsl” emacs to look different… I share init.el files (~/.emacs.d/ is a symlink to /mnt/c/Users/… etc) but make sure I use different themes and change the frame title to make it easy to distinguish between the two instances.
I know I could do it all in just one instance but somehow this just feels cleaner for my cross-platform dev work…