When he resigns, loses an election, or dies, obviously.
I know it’s hard for people who live in capitalist bourgeois democracies to imagine that a president could sustain popularity over a long period of time. They’re used to getting fucked over, election cycle after election cycle, because their governments don’t work for the majority, they work for the capitalist class. It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.
All you’re doing is repeating your assertion without adding anything, and the assertion you’re repeating is the the one you received from a lifetime of Western capitalist Cold War propaganda, and I don’t think it’s ever occurred to you to question it.
Putin actually is popular. Russians have good reason to like him: he kicked the Western capitalist neoliberal shock therapy plunderers out of the country. It’s still a capitalist shithole, but at least it’s their shithole and not a neocolonized state anymore.
Believing Western capitalist Cold War propaganda that China is a dictatorship is cringe.
People who are president for life are called dictators.
You are part of why people don’t like .ml
Good thing China doesn’t have a president for life then, you orientalist fuck.
So when does he leave office?
When he resigns, loses an election, or dies, obviously.
I know it’s hard for people who live in capitalist bourgeois democracies to imagine that a president could sustain popularity over a long period of time. They’re used to getting fucked over, election cycle after election cycle, because their governments don’t work for the majority, they work for the capitalist class. It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.
When he* dies, obviously.
FTFY since he will never resign and never allow someone to dethrone him.
When people have total control for life that’s called a dictatorship
All you’re doing is repeating your assertion without adding anything, and the assertion you’re repeating is the the one you received from a lifetime of Western capitalist Cold War propaganda, and I don’t think it’s ever occurred to you to question it.
Xi keeps getting elected because people keep liking the results.
Speak for yourself, and you know where the exit is.
Does Putin keep getting elected because the Russian people keep liking the results?
Putin gets elected in roughly the same way that US presidents do. [Princeton & Northwestern] Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy
Putin actually is popular. Russians have good reason to like him: he kicked the Western capitalist neoliberal shock therapy plunderers out of the country. It’s still a capitalist shithole, but at least it’s their shithole and not a neocolonized state anymore.