Visualizations are hard, and take time, so here is a thread to highlight the visualizations that we have found/created.
Please feel free to post your visualisations!
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Day 14 - Robots.
Try find the image :D
If no one finds it in the next few days, I’ll update with a timestamp.
I downloaded the video and watched it at x16 speed. I actually spent longer trying to find a working federating instance to post my reply than I spent searching for the tree.
You clearly have more patience than me! I assumed that at 16x, it would be way to easy to blink and miss it.
For anyone else doing rust, this might be useful:
It basically generates an asciicinema/asciicast file, which is then can be used to render a video.
use std::fs::File; use std::io::Write; use std::process::Command; pub struct Recorder { filename: String, output: File, width: usize, height: usize, position: f32, frametime: f32, do_render: bool, } // Generate: impl Recorder { pub fn new(filename: &str, w: usize, h: usize, framerate: u32, do_render: bool) -> Recorder { let mut r = Recorder { filename: String::from(filename), output: File::create(format!("{filename}.cast")).unwrap(), width: w, height: h, position: 0f32, frametime: 1f32 / framerate as f32, do_render, }; r.init(); r } fn init(&mut self) { self.output .write_all( format!( "{{\"version\": 2, \"width\": {}, \"height\": {}}}\n", self.width, self.height ) .as_bytes(), ) .unwrap(); } pub fn println(&mut self, s: &str) { let line = format!("{s}\n"); self.print(&line); } pub fn print(&mut self, s: &str) { let escaped = serde_json::to_string(&(self.position, "o", s)).unwrap(); self.output .write_all(format!("{escaped}\n").as_bytes()) .unwrap(); } const RESET: &'static str = "\u{001b}[H\u{001b}[2J\u{001b}[3J"; pub fn sleep(&mut self, d: f32) { self.frametime += d; } pub fn new_frame(&mut self) { self.position += self.frametime; self.print(Self::RESET); } } impl Drop for Recorder { fn drop(&mut self) { if self.do_render { let castname = format!("{}.cast", self.filename); let gifname = format!("{}.gif", self.filename); let mp4name = format!("{}.mp4", self.filename); self.output.flush().unwrap(); let mut command = Command::new("agg"); command.arg(castname); command.arg(gifname.as_str()); let mut proc = command.spawn().unwrap(); proc.wait().unwrap(); let _ = std::fs::remove_file(mp4name.as_str()); let mut command = Command::new("ffmpeg"); command.arg("-i"); command.arg(gifname.as_str()); command.arg(mp4name.as_str()); let mut proc = command.spawn().unwrap(); proc.wait().unwrap(); } } }
Day 18 - RAM Run