In case that’s too many acronyms,
A UI-first Identity Access Management (IAM) / Single-Sign-On (SSO) platform supporting OAuth 2.0, OIDC, SAML and CAS, integrated with Casbin RBAC and ABAC permission management. Supports third-party applications login, such as GitHub, Google, QQ, WeChat, etc., and other plugins can extend the third party logins Casdoor can use.
Been meaning to set-up SSO in my homelab. Adding it to the list of projects to look into. Thanks!
I might be wrong, but to me this looks more like a middle layer between your application and other provider to host a standardised API to all of them.
I’d definitely suggest checking out Keycloak. It’s still the best I’ve used as far as being intuitive and standards compliant.
I’m looking into kanidm, it’s a pretty new project and very lightweight (compared to Keycloak).
If that won’t pan out, I’ll probably fall back to lldap + Authelia.
If that fails I’ll set up Authentik.