PayPal is nice since it gives virtually zero trust to the seller to secure customer info. But as you alluded to, PayPal has lots of problems mostly stemming from it trying to get all of the benefits of being a bank while accepting none of the responsibility of being a bank, and therefore customers receive none of the benefits of a bank while still getting all of the drawbacks of another entity handling their money
the way we share payment info to sites is so backwards is the reason despite all the problems paypal had, it still provide a lot of value.
PayPal is nice since it gives virtually zero trust to the seller to secure customer info. But as you alluded to, PayPal has lots of problems mostly stemming from it trying to get all of the benefits of being a bank while accepting none of the responsibility of being a bank, and therefore customers receive none of the benefits of a bank while still getting all of the drawbacks of another entity handling their money