I’ve been using Armbian on a bunch of ARM SCBs and they have a very nice MOTD on SSH login that shows CPU, RAM, Storage and networking infromation.
Is there anything similar for a regular x86 machine? I tried to grab the scripts from a NanoPi M4v2 board but had to change a ton of stuff to get it working on x86 and it isn’t portable as AMD and Intel report temps differently. Or… does anyone know if their x86 version has it working and where to get?
Just for reference I’m talking about this: https://cdn.tcb13.com/2023/armbian-motd.jpg
Thank you.
I managed to mount the image and extract the files, however it still fails on a regular Debian box, x86 as a few tools seem to be missing:
./30-armbian-sysinfo ./30-armbian-sysinfo: line 41: /usr/lib/armbian/armbian-allwinner-battery: No such file or directory ./30-armbian-sysinfo: line 92: ambienttemp: command not found ./30-armbian-sysinfo: line 94: batteryinfo: command not found ./30-armbian-sysinfo: line 96: getboardtemp: command not found System load: 1% Up time: 7 days 19:15 Memory usage: 34% of 15.59G Zram usage: 1% of 14.90G IP: Usage of /: 24% of 916G storage/: 1% of 952M
doesn’t help as it depends of stuff like/etc/armbianmonitor/datasources/ambienttemp