A lot many individuals run TOR exit nodes, but I never hear about people running their own I2P outproxies. Is it really hard to host, or is there some other reason? I thought that if you could run a TOR exit node I’d think you’d be just fine running an I2P outproxy.
Running more outproxies will help in bridging torrents from the clearnet to I2P, which would be a very good move considering the crackdowns on torrents right now. Companies even want to involve civilians into their lawsuits in Sweden now, making the need for privacy/anonymity even more important when torrenting, which I2P provides.
honestly that’s still my experience. it’s not rare that websites like a DDG results page does not even load, I think from time to time I even have unable to connect errors, even though as I have stormycloud as my outproxy. probably something on my end, though, it seems then
I haven’t used stormycloud much but i haven’t heard there being issues with them. I’ve preferred using outproxy.acetone.i2p and purokishi.i2p since i’ve found them consistently to be faster. Stormycloud is the default in vanilla i2p so they end up getting the brunt of i2p’s outproxy traffic, it’s possible they could get overloaded. They have a very good setup, but they’re one entity.
Especially right now after mental outlaws video, more routers could be coming online and giving stormycloud a workout, maybe getting overwhelmed. I would try switching to either of those and setting inbound/outbound tunnel count to 16. hope that helps.
I’ll try this, thanks. but to fill in some missing context from my part, this is what I have been experiencing for the little more than a year I’m running an I2P router.