As a beginner I mainly focused on Cinnamon, XFCE and GNOME but want to try out a windowing DE on a VM to get a feel for things.
What window manager DE would you recommend to a first timer that doesn’t use tiling DEs?
There seems to be pretty popular ones like i3 and hyprland.
I was also hoping if some wm’s still have a task bar as I am comfortable using that to keep a traditional style as I come from a long line use of Windows as well (starting from the XP era)
Thank you if you have any recommendations, it is good to branch your horizons a bit!
as others have mentioned, a window manager is one component of a desktop environment – under ideal conditions, a desktop environment collects and integrates a whole set of packages (both primary and supporting), unifying functional aspects as well as look-and-feel – whereas people starting with a window manager add in tools where working for them takes priority over working with other tools