Sure you can. You can even override the T2 chip in Recovery Mode. The thing I miss on an Apple Silicon Mac is installing Windows. It was a big downside for me, so I held onto my Intel Mac until a few years ago. I used to have a tri-boot Mac Pro running Snow Leopard/Windows XP/Red Hat. Then I downgraded to an Intel iMac with macOS/Windows before my M2. I do miss the versatility of Intel Macs.
Did you miss the word “generally?”
Having a familiar console is nice, but you still can’t truly tinker with all the nuts and bolts.
Sure you can. You can even override the T2 chip in Recovery Mode. The thing I miss on an Apple Silicon Mac is installing Windows. It was a big downside for me, so I held onto my Intel Mac until a few years ago. I used to have a tri-boot Mac Pro running Snow Leopard/Windows XP/Red Hat. Then I downgraded to an Intel iMac with macOS/Windows before my M2. I do miss the versatility of Intel Macs.