Not hating on open source, just let people use what fits their expectations and needs and stop deterring them with gatekeeping :P

UX = user experience

    1 year ago

    You know I can’t afford fancy clothes. So I just wear cheaper brands. I don’t tell everyone wearing fancy clothes that there are cheaper brands available, I just let them be them and wear what they like. Maybe if I could afford it I would wear them too.

    Really struggling to see everybody’s problem in the thread. If you don’t want to pay for an app don’t. If you’re happy with a less polished app use that. Why is everyone so intent on controlling what others should and shouldn’t do when it has absolute zero bearing on them?

    I’m a Dev, I spend lots of my time in Linux, some might call me a power user I’ve been doing it for a lot of years, probably longer than most. Yet I use windows on my personal machine, I use windows because I like the polish, I spend all my time fucking around in Linux to get stuff working stuff that just works out the box in other os. I get why Linux is good I get why people like it, personally I like an easier life, I don’t want to spend 2 hours configuring some container to play a game or piece of software that would just work on windows. It’s part of what you pay for. The apps are much the same, I’ve tried many of the Lemmy apps since I moved here, some better than others all fairly decent but sync has a polish and presentation that is unmatched (in my personal opinion, your experience may be different) and I’m happy to compensate a developer for his time spent building the app, he gets to eat I get to mindlessly scroll it’s win win. Well it is until people start shitting their opinions all over the place.

      1 year ago

      You know I can’t afford fancy clothes. So I just wear cheaper brands. I don’t tell everyone wearing fancy clothes that there are cheaper brands available, I just let them be them and wear what they like. Maybe if I could afford it I would wear them too.

      lol are you trying to imply OP cant afford 20 stupid bucks? XD

      1 year ago

      As I said, if you want to give your money away for no reason, more power to you. No judgement.