Dear lemmings,

I am fairly new to the server-game and want to set up my first NAS. I will not only be doing a lot of reading but also quite a lot of writing as well so I guess RAID10 (even though hardware/money intensive) would be a good choice? Or should I rather go for RAID 0 with 3 2 1 backup strategy? Currently I am hosting some websites others use as well so uptime is an issue.

Now I am not sure what brand/model to buy, when reading up on it they all sound decent. I have an old PC that I can use to run the drives so I only really need to buy the drives for now. Currently I am looking at drives with a capacity of around 14TB if that is of any importance.

Many thanks in advance :D

    4 months ago

    If you can get cheap ones for cheap, then get a bunch of cheap ones and just replace them when they fail. As long as you’re not abusing them, they’ll last plenty long.

    Also, keep regular backups in case something catastrophic happens. RAID won’t save you if something corrupts the whole array.