I love the Fediverse and I love cinema 🍿, I don’t think I am the only one…
I am surprised nobody has realized a Fediverse software for movies, yet!
I am tired of IMDb, and any other alternative is centralized, proprietary software.
What I think could be done is to develop a fork of @bookwyrm@tech.lgbt with the same features, but some key differences that make it the go-to solution for tracking movies you want to watch and that you watched, as well as sharing your thoughts with your friends. I already emailed @tripofmice@friend.camp, Bookwyrm’s creator and main maintainer, about this possibility.
I am keeping notes concerning this idea in the link for the post.
Unfortunately, even though I am a Fediverse enthusiast and I cannot stop talking about it with everybody, I am no developer and I cannot practically start working on this, also because my time is too limited to work on such a software. Nevertheless, I hope writing this post could inspire somebody to code something and start a Fediverse platform for movies! 😍
Of course I am available for anything else concerning the project: website creation, marketing, bug testing and community moderation, etc.
Thanks a lot for your time!
Happy holidays,
Tommi 🤯
The question is whether the project should be forked into multiple separate projects at all. An alternative would be to have a generic “Directory Platform” and have modules to make it a Book Review platform, a Movie Database, or whatever-you-wanna-collect platform with another module. The modules would mostly be templates and data structures + user interface widgets to present them nicely.