I have some drives of various sizes, 1TB, 2TB etc. I am currently working with a 2 TB drive. I place it in a powered external USB-3 drive enclosure. I can see it in lsblk as the correct size (as SDA) , but the disk manager does not see /dev/sda, and fdisk only wants to let me create a 5 GB partition.
If I dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=400K status=progress writes 5 GB and claims my 2 TB drive (In this case) is full.
Is there a way to reclaim this drive? Any information on the drive is unimportant.
Try in another computer if you have one. The fact dd is limiting you to 5GB though doesn’t sound good, not going to lie.
I do not have another available, nor do I have an internal SATA slot available.