I am confused about installing some virus scanning software on my Linux system. Thought of installing clamav, so will that be good or if anyone is using any better one, please do suggest. Thanks in advance.
I am confused about installing some virus scanning software on my Linux system. Thought of installing clamav, so will that be good or if anyone is using any better one, please do suggest. Thanks in advance.
Who says Linux viruses are more common than Windows viruses? That just sounds patently false. Why would someone have more incentive to do that? The point of a virus is to infect a computer. Why would someone spend hours developing a virus for a desktop operating system that only comprises a mere 1.2% of the market share?
I get it now, looked it up. Was just being paranoid maybe.
Not saying an antivirus would be a bad thing. It all depends on your threat model. I was merely responding to that one point you made. :)
I understand your point