Yeah we’re a fat as fuck country. There’s obviously a nightmare scenario because of our shit-tier healthcare system, but at the end of the day, it’s because people don’t willingly eat healthy because there’s an abundance of cheap, greasy food.
It’s not a subsidy for a processed meal, it’s more about how we’re subsidizing the shit out of the domestic meat industry so burgers are artificially cheap
Yeah we’re a fat as fuck country. There’s obviously a nightmare scenario because of our shit-tier healthcare system, but at the end of the day, it’s because people don’t willingly eat healthy because there’s an abundance of cheap, greasy food.
Why is there an abundance of cheap, greasy food?
I would assume subsidies lol
Why are there subsidies for greasy, unhealthy food instead of healthy and clean food?
It’s not a subsidy for a processed meal, it’s more about how we’re subsidizing the shit out of the domestic meat industry so burgers are artificially cheap