For a while now I’ve been quite happy running LibreWolf, with Bitwarden and some other privacy extensions. I’ve also switched over from Google to Kagi as a search engine; doesn’t keep me anonymous, but I do love not being the product for once.

    1 year ago

    Currently, I’m using Brave Browser :

    • Clear URLs
    • Dark Reader : for sites that don’t have a dark mode
    • Decentraleyes
    • Grammarly: I’m not a native English speaker. I like to write English with good grammar
    • HTTPS Everywhere
    • Imagus: for zooming pictures by just hovering
    • JSON Formatter
    • Local CDN
    • MultiLogin : a container like in the Firefox browser
    • Privacy Badger
    • Link Grabber : grabbed all the links on the page
    • Disable automatic tab discarding : I don’t like when the tab automatically refreshes when I didn’t open it for a while. This extension disables that
    • Old Reddit Redirect
    • Reddit Enhancement Suite
    • Return YouTube Dislike
    • Snowflake
    • SponsorBlock for Youtube

    For search engines, I’m still using Google. Because I think the results it’s more and better (I guess). If not Google, I will use DuckDuckGo or Brave Search

    • dngray@lemmy.oneM
      1 year ago

      Keep in mind LocalCDN will make your fingerprint more unique. HTTPS Everywhere is unmaintained and no longer needed… and you certainly don’t need Decentraleyes, thats a duplicate of LocalCDN and is also unmaintained.