Mood. When someone takes up 3 people’s worth of space by walking smack bang in the middle of the pavement dawdling along on their merry way meandering left and right and then just randomly stopping for some reason, makes me unreasonably irritated
I call BS. I’m a happy person while being the fastest walker I know. Also, if this is based on any kind of half-decent scientific study, I’m 100% certain that the study did not come to this clear conclusion.
Edit: I forgot to say, her answer is perfect :D
It’s a screenshot of a science headline from a non-scientific source reporting for a non-scientific audience. Don’t argue with it. It’s like arguing with the guy in rags on the corner who insists you’re from the government.
These types of studies are basically all examples of selection bias. The same sort of study shows “people in city centres walk faster than people in the country side”. There’s no correction for who is walking, just where they’re walking or ĥow they walk.
When studies properly control variables it just ends up being “Young people walk faster than old people” or, in the case of this study, “Young people are more depressed than old people”.
shouldn’t that be “ĥaŭ”?
When you’re trying to pass the person in front of you, but they keep zigzagging.
Yesterday I was stuck behind someone who was incapable of eating and walking at the same. Walking 10 steps, standing still to take a bite of their hotdog, walking, bite, …
as a fast walker, i say it’s accurate. the rows of people blocking the sidewalk by walking at the same speed just makes me want to channel my anger into the outside world.