• Skull giver
    4 months ago

    Can you explain that? Why wouldn’t Calyx collaborate with Graphene? I don’t use either so I don’t know how or what those projects are doing different.

    • /home/pineapplelover
      44 months ago

      Perhaps they don’t like each other. I’ve used both and they both are similar projects. Graphene is the more security focused one though.

      • @InfiniWheel@lemmy.one
        114 months ago

        The former lead dev (who is still part of the team) seems to think many people are out to get him for no good reason. He has claimed repeatedly that Calyx devs have sent harassers to target him for years (from spamming gore or nazi content in the matrix channels, to swatting him and almost getting him killed by the police) and that they constantly speak ill of him, but has never actually shown any proof. Instead, he sources his own past claims about how he has shown proof, in a sort of endless loop.

        Also, youtuber Techlore made a 5 second joke about GOS’s extreme approach to security in his mostly positive review of it, which the lead Dev took as a personal attack. After which he started attributing harassment to him too. He made a later video talking about it, and Louis Rossman commented on it expressing concern. After which, the lead Dev accused him to being complicit in the harassment.

        Eventually he stepped down as project manager, citing how the harassment and bullying he constantly got was too much. But to my knowledge no one has actually seen it ever.

        • /home/pineapplelover
          54 months ago

          He has since stepped down and it hasn’t had a noticeable impact on the project. Still seems fine.

          • NaN
            54 months ago

            It hasn’t had an impact since he is still very active. Also presumably he isn’t the only one with the update keys this time around.

        • LitanysA
          54 months ago

          Yea, the whole thing has always given me a lot of pause when I comes to GOS. I’m sure it’s still an awesome solution, but makes me think twice. In the end I have literally zero need or desire for anything Google running on my phone so I’m on calyx.