Are there pirated contents that you very like and eventually give money to the creator, and where do you find the creators?

  • LitanysA
    4913 days ago

    Many games I try out as pirated and then buy them after I know I enjoy them. Sometimes I don’t enjoy them and then I’m glad I didn’t spend $60.

    • Nora
      1313 days ago

      How do you know you can trust cracks? I used to before crypto mining.

      I trust movie torrents cause it’s just a file that gets run. Cracks are executables tho, they could do anything to your computer.

      • LitanysA
        1813 days ago

        Most of the time i get them from specific trusted sources. Then i hash them to make sure they are still the same file the author says it is. Like johncena cracks or similar.