My main complaint with how Gnome does stuff is in environments where it is the only option (e.g. RHEL).
My main complaint with how Gnome does stuff is in environments where it is the only option (e.g. RHEL).
The backend dev has seen into the depths of COBOL and JCL that keep the world from imploding.
And the code looked back.
I’m working on it. Just waiting till Christmas.
Could probably just write points right to the results instead of to an intermediate list, but it runs instantly, so my motivation to do so was low.
(defun p1-process-line (line)
(to-symbols line 'advt2024-d8))
(defun count-results (results)
(loop for i from 0 below (array-total-size results)
count (row-major-aref results i)))
(defun place-annode (pos results)
(let ((x (first pos)) (y (second pos)))
(when (in-map results x y)
(setf (aref results y x) t))))
(defun create-annodes-p1 (x1 y1 x2 y2)
(let ((delta-x (- x2 x1)) (delta-y (- y2 y1)))
(list (list (- x1 delta-x) (- y1 delta-y)) (list (+ x2 delta-x) (+ y2 delta-y)))))
(defun place-annodes (positions results create-annodes)
(when positions
(loop with a = (car positions)
with x1 = (first a)
with y1 = (second a)
for b in (cdr positions)
for ans = (funcall create-annodes x1 y1 (first b) (second b))
do (dolist (a ans) (place-annode a results)))
(place-annodes (cdr positions) results create-annodes)))
(defun place-all-annodes (xmits map &optional (create-annodes #'create-annodes-p1))
(let ((results (make-array (array-dimensions map) :element-type 'boolean :initial-element nil)))
(loop for k being the hash-key of xmits
do (place-annodes (gethash k xmits) results create-annodes))
(defun find-transmitters (map)
"look throught the map and record where the transmitters are in a hash map"
(let ((h (make-hash-table)))
(destructuring-bind (rows cols) (array-dimensions map)
(loop for j from 0 below rows
do (loop for i from 0 below cols
for v = (aref map j i)
unless (eql v '|.|)
do (push (list i j) (gethash v h))
(defun run-p1 (file)
(let* ((map (list-to-2d-array (read-file file #'p1-process-line))))
(count-results (place-all-annodes (find-transmitters map) map))
(defun create-annodes-2 (x1 y1 x2 y2 map)
(destructuring-bind (rows cols) (array-dimensions map)
(let* ((m (/ (- y2 y1) (- x2 x1) ))
(b (- y2 (* m x2))))
(loop for x from 0 below cols
for y = (+ b (* x m))
for r = (nth-value 1 (floor y))
when (and (= r 0) (>= y 0) (< y rows))
collect (list x y)))))
(defun run-p2 (file)
(let* ((map (list-to-2d-array (read-file file #'p1-process-line))))
(count-results (place-all-annodes (find-transmitters map) map
(lambda (x1 y1 x2 y2)
(create-annodes-2 x1 y1 x2 y2 map))))))
Could probably go much faster if I kept track of calculations to not repeat, but 4 seconds for part 2 on my old laptop is good enough for me. Also, not really a big change from part 1 to part 2.
(defstruct calibration result inputs)
(defun p1-process-line (line)
(let ((parts (str:words line)))
(make-calibration :result (parse-integer (car parts) :junk-allowed t)
:inputs (mapcar #'parse-integer (cdr parts)))))
(defun apply-opperators (c opps)
(let ((accum (car (calibration-inputs c))))
(loop for o in opps
for v in (cdr (calibration-inputs c))
until (> accum (calibration-result c))
if (eql o 'ADD)
do (setf accum (+ accum v))
else if (eql o 'MUL)
do (setf accum (* accum v))
do (setf accum (+ v (* accum (expt 10 (1+ (floor (log v 10)))))))
finally (return accum)
(defun generate-operators (item-count)
(labels ((g-rec (c results)
(if (< c 1)
(g-rec (1- c) (loop for r in results
collect (cons 'ADD r)
collect (cons 'MUL r))))))
(g-rec (1- item-count) '((ADD) (MUL)))))
(defun generate-ops-hash (c gen-ops)
(let ((h (make-hash-table)))
(dotimes (x c)
(setf (gethash (+ 2 x) h) (funcall gen-ops (+ 1 x))))
(defun validate-calibration (c ops-h)
(let ((r (calibration-result c))
(ops (gethash (length (calibration-inputs c)) ops-h)))
(loop for o in ops
for v = (apply-opperators c o)
when (= v r)
return t)))
(defun run-p1 (file)
(let ((calibrations (read-file file #'p1-process-line))
(ops (generate-ops-hash 13 #'generate-operators)))
(loop for c in calibrations
when (validate-calibration c ops)
sum (calibration-result c))))
(defun generate-operators-p2 (item-count)
(labels ((g-rec (c results)
(if (< c 1)
(g-rec (1- c) (loop for r in results
collect (cons 'ADD r)
collect (cons 'MUL r)
collect (cons 'CAT r))))))
(g-rec (1- item-count) '((ADD) (MUL) (CAT)))))
(defun run-p2 (file)
(let ((calibrations (read-file file #'p1-process-line))
(ops (generate-ops-hash 13 #'generate-operators-p2)))
(loop for c in calibrations
when (validate-calibration c ops)
sum (calibration-result c))))
Just did some basic regex stuff.
(defun p1-mult (str)
"pulls out numbers and multiplies them, assumes already filtered by size"
(let ((vals (ppcre:all-matches-as-strings "\\d+" str)))
(apply #'* (or (mapcar #'parse-integer vals) '(0)))))
(defun p1-process-line (line)
"look for mul, do the mul, and sum"
(let ((ptrn "mul\\(\\d?\\d?\\d,\\d?\\d?\\d\\)"))
(apply #'+ (mapcar #'p1-mult (ppcre:all-matches-as-strings ptrn line)))))
(defun run-p1 (file)
(let ((data (read-file file #'p1-process-line)))
(apply #'+ data)))
(defun p2-process-line (line)
"looks for mul, do, and don't"
(let ((ptrn "(mul\\(\\d?\\d?\\d,\\d?\\d?\\d\\))|(do\\(\\))|(don't\\(\\))"))
(ppcre:all-matches-as-strings ptrn line)))
(defun p2-filter (data)
"expects list containing the string tokens (mul, do, don't) from the file"
(let ((process t))
(loop for x in data
when (string= "don't()" x)
do (setf process nil)
when (string= "do()" x)
do (setf process t)
when process
sum (p1-mult x))))
(defun run-p2 (file)
(let ((data (read-file file #'p2-process-line)))
;; treat the input as one line to make processing the do's and don't's easier
(p2-filter (flatten data))))
Not super happy with the code, but it got the job done.
(defun p1-process-line (line)
(to-symbols line))
(defun found-word-h (word data i j)
"checks for a word existing from the point horizontally to the right"
(loop for j2 from j
for w in word
when (not (eql w (aref data i j2)))
return nil
finally (return t)))
(defun found-word-v (word data i j)
"checks for a word existing from the point vertically down"
(loop for i2 from i
for w in word
when (not (eql w (aref data i2 j)))
return nil
finally (return t)))
(defun found-word-d-l (word data i j)
"checks for a word existsing from the point diagonally to the left and down"
(destructuring-bind (n m) (array-dimensions data)
(declare (ignorable n))
(and (>= (- i (length word)) -1)
(>= m (+ j (length word)))
(loop for i2 from i downto 0
for j2 from j
for w in word
when (not (eql w (aref data i2 j2)))
return nil
finally (return t)))))
(defun found-word-d-r (word data i j)
"checks for a word existing from the point diagonally to the right and down"
(destructuring-bind (n m) (array-dimensions data)
(and (>= n (+ i (length word)))
(>= m (+ j (length word)))
(loop for i2 from i
for j2 from j
for w in word
when (not (eql w (aref data i2 j2)))
return nil
finally (return t)))
(defun count-word-h (data word)
"Counts horizontal matches of the word"
(let ((word-r (reverse word))
(word-l (length word)))
(destructuring-bind (n m) (array-dimensions data)
(loop for i from 0 below n
sum (loop for j from 0 upto (- m word-l)
count (found-word-h word data i j)
count (found-word-h word-r data i j))))))
(defun count-word-v (data word)
"Counts vertical matches of the word"
(let ((word-r (reverse word))
(word-l (length word)))
(destructuring-bind (n m) (array-dimensions data)
(loop for j from 0 below m
sum (loop for i from 0 upto (- n word-l)
count (found-word-v word data i j)
count (found-word-v word-r data i j))))))
(defun count-word-d (data word)
"Counts diagonal matches of the word"
(let ((word-r (reverse word)))
(destructuring-bind (n m) (array-dimensions data)
(loop for i from 0 below n
sum (loop for j from 0 below m
count (found-word-d-l word data i j)
count (found-word-d-l word-r data i j)
count (found-word-d-r word data i j)
count (found-word-d-r word-r data i j)
(defun run-p1 (file)
"cares about the word xmas in any direction"
(let ((word '(X M A S))
(data (list-to-2d-array (read-file file #'p1-process-line))))
(count-word-v data word)
(count-word-h data word)
(count-word-d data word))))
(defun run-p2 (file)
"cares about an x of mas crossed with mas"
(let ((word '(M A S))
(word-r '(S A M))
(data (list-to-2d-array (read-file file #'p1-process-line))))
(destructuring-bind (n m) (array-dimensions data)
(loop for i from 0 below (- n 2)
sum (loop for j from 0 below (- m 2)
count (and (found-word-d-r word data i j)
(found-word-d-l word data (+ i 2) j))
count (and (found-word-d-r word-r data i j)
(found-word-d-l word data (+ i 2) j))
count (and (found-word-d-r word data i j)
(found-word-d-l word-r data (+ i 2) j))
count (and (found-word-d-r word-r data i j)
(found-word-d-l word-r data (+ i 2) j))
(defun p1-process-rules (line)
(mapcar #'parse-integer (uiop:split-string line :separator "|")))
(defun p1-process-pages (line)
(mapcar #'parse-integer (uiop:split-string line :separator ",")))
(defun middle (pages)
(nth (floor (length pages) 2) pages))
(defun check-rule-p (rule pages)
(let ((p1 (position (car rule) pages))
(p2 (position (cadr rule) pages)))
(or (not p1) (not p2) (< p1 p2))))
(defun ordered-p (pages rules)
(loop for r in rules
unless (check-rule-p r pages)
return nil
(return t)))
(defun run-p1 (rules-file pages-file)
(let ((rules (read-file rules-file #'p1-process-rules))
(pages (read-file pages-file #'p1-process-pages)))
(loop for p in pages
when (ordered-p p rules)
sum (middle p)
(defun fix-pages (rules pages)
(sort pages (lambda (p1 p2) (ordered-p (list p1 p2) rules)) ))
(defun run-p2 (rules-file pages-file)
(let ((rules (read-file rules-file #'p1-process-rules))
(pages (read-file pages-file #'p1-process-pages)))
(loop for p in pages
unless (ordered-p p rules)
sum (middle (fix-pages rules p))
Brute forced part 2, but got a lot of reuse from part 1.
(defvar *part1* "inputs/day06-part1")
(defvar *part1-test* "inputs/day06-part1-test")
(defstruct move x y direction)
(defstruct guard direction x y (moves (make-hash-table :test 'equalp)))
(defun convert-direction (g)
(case g
(^ 'up)
(> 'right)
(< 'left)
(v 'down)))
(defun find-guard (map)
(destructuring-bind (rows cols) (array-dimensions map)
(loop for j from 0 below rows
do (loop for i from 0 below cols
for v = (aref map j i)
when (not (or (eql '|.| v) (eql '|#| v)))
do (return-from find-guard (make-guard :direction (convert-direction v) :x i :y j ))))))
(defun turn-guard (guard)
(case (guard-direction guard)
(UP (setf (guard-direction guard) 'RIGHT))
(DOWN (setf (guard-direction guard) 'LEFT))
(LEFT (setf (guard-direction guard) 'UP))
(RIGHT (setf (guard-direction guard) 'DOWN))))
(defun on-map (map x y)
(destructuring-bind (rows cols) (array-dimensions map)
(and (>= x 0) (>= y 0)
(< y rows) (< x cols))))
(defun mark-guard (map guard)
(setf (aref map (guard-y guard) (guard-x guard)) 'X))
(defun next-pos (guard)
(case (guard-direction guard)
(UP (list (guard-x guard) (1- (guard-y guard))))
(DOWN (list (guard-x guard) (1+ (guard-y guard))))
(LEFT (list (1- (guard-x guard)) (guard-y guard)))
(RIGHT (list (1+ (guard-x guard)) (guard-y guard)))))
(defun move-guard (map guard)
(destructuring-bind (x y) (next-pos guard)
(if (on-map map x y)
(if (eql '|#| (aref map y x))
(turn-guard guard)
(progn (setf (guard-x guard) x)
(setf (guard-y guard) y)))
(setf (guard-direction guard) nil))))
(defun run-p1 (file)
(let* ((map (list-to-2d-array (read-file file #'to-symbols)))
(guard (find-guard map)))
(mark-guard map guard)
(loop while (guard-direction guard)
do (mark-guard map guard)
do (move-guard map guard))
(destructuring-bind (rows cols) (array-dimensions map)
(loop for y from 0 below rows sum (loop for x from 0 below cols count (eql (aref map y x) 'X))))))
(defun save-move (guard move)
(setf (gethash move (guard-moves guard)) t))
(defun reset-moves (guard)
(setf (guard-moves guard) nil))
(defun is-loop (x y map original-guard)
;; can only set new blocks in blank spaces
(unless (eql '|.| (aref map y x)) (return-from is-loop nil))
(let ((guard (copy-guard original-guard)))
;; save the initial guard position
(save-move guard (make-move :x (guard-x guard) :y (guard-y guard) :direction (guard-direction guard)))
;; set the "new" block
(setf (aref map y x) '|#|)
;; loop and check for guard loops
(let ((result
while (move-guard map guard)
for move = (make-move :x (guard-x guard) :y (guard-y guard) :direction (guard-direction guard))
;; if we have seen the move before, then it is a loop
if (gethash move (guard-moves guard))
return t
do (save-move guard move)
(return nil))))
;; reset initial position
(setf (aref map y x) '|.|)
(clrhash (guard-moves guard))
(defun run-p2 (file)
(let* ((map (list-to-2d-array (read-file file #'to-symbols)))
(guard (find-guard map)))
(destructuring-bind (rows cols) (array-dimensions map)
(loop for y from 0 below rows
sum (loop for x from 0 below cols
count (is-loop x y map guard)))
(defun p1-process-line (line)
(mapcar #'parse-integer (str:words line)))
(defun line-direction-p (line)
"make sure the line always goes in the same direction"
(loop for x in line
for y in (cdr line)
count (> x y) into dec
count (< x y) into inc
when (and (> dec 0 ) (> inc 0)) return nil
when (= x y) return nil
finally (return t)))
(defun line-in-range-p (line)
"makes sure the delta is within 3"
(loop for x in line
for y in (cdr line)
for delta = (abs (- x y))
when (or (> delta 3) )
return nil
finally (return t)))
(defun test-line-p (line)
(and (line-in-range-p line) (line-direction-p line)))
(defun run-p1 (file)
(let ((data (read-file file #'p1-process-line)))
(apply #'+ (mapcar (lambda (line) (if (test-line-p line) 1 0)) data))))
(defun test-line-p2 (line)
(or (test-line-p (cdr line))
(test-line-p (cdr (reverse line)))
(loop for back on line
collect (car back) into front
when (test-line-p (concatenate 'list front (cddr back)))
return t
finally (return nil)
(defun run-p2 (file)
(let ((data (read-file file #'p1-process-line)))
(loop for line in data
count (test-line-p2 line))))
I like to use lisp. It is about the only time I get to use it, and I get a little better each year.
You can run i3 inside XFCE on a per user basis, but convincing my wife/kids to swap users when they need the computer for “just a second”…
I just take the win that they are on Linux and use a shared account.
XFCE. I also like tiling WMs, but I often have to share computers and they are too unintuitive for the rest of the family.
As someone stuck in DTW, I feel the pain.
The beauty of Linux at home, you get to choose what works best for you.
Also, you can configure sudo to prompt every time if you really want.
I was on a system that was configured that way for “security”, so I would just ‘sudo bash’ which is obviously much safer /s.
I totally expect one day a XFCE (Wayland) option will show up, I will click it, forget I did, and use it forever more.
XOrg is my daily driver for these reasons:
That being said, I have no fundamental opposition to Wayland, and will probably use it someday.
Slackware was my first real distro (many moons ago), glad to see people still enjoy it.
If you hate the taste of scrum give SAFe a try! (but really, please don’t)