I dont complain, I write constructive comments and useful bug reports.
So good I got invited several times to closed beta by developers who really appreciated the effort.
I dont complain, I write constructive comments and useful bug reports.
So good I got invited several times to closed beta by developers who really appreciated the effort.
I am pretty good at flushing out all memories of my work during weekends these day, so that’s why I have great comments for such things.
(how do I know they are great? I got colleagues thanking me for the helpful comments. How fucking often has that happened to you in your career?)
In the spirit of the joke, it would be a Nugget that does absolutely everything you need and then some, used to be free, and since version 4.5 has changed license and now requires a 399$ annual fee per dev, which of course your employer positively refuse to invest in when there are so many other options available for free!
What we need is to gather a group of specialists into a task force to address the problem in a more efficient manner. Let’s have a meeting about who to put on that team!
Holy shit, it’s been a few years since I haven’t seen these mentioned but I do not miss it.
Pointer to pointer is fairly common stuff once you get serious with C++ but I’ve no idea what this abomination is supposed to even be, haha!
Unless you bought something, then you get the exact item in your ads too. Because hey, we know you liked that book! Why don’t you want another copy of it, uh?
Hopefully. Anyone with braincells would have realized that a long time ago…
Left the --hardcore compile option on. Easy mistake.
I once landed a job at a small company doing a software for medical analysis labs all over the country. Software had been around for over ten years at this point.
They had no source control. Nothing.
Absolute nightmare.
They were literally starting to use source control when I arrived.
In 2015.
Or Jazz RTC. That one was fun.
Krita is fucking slow though :/
Wait wait wait… RiF ain’t dead?!
It’s a service problem, though. Not a money problem. This is a perfect example of that very fact.
Probably the reference manual for HR departments everywhere…
If all you bring to the job is looking shit up and telling me yes or no instead of actually trying to help me find solutions, or explaining me what I did wrong, you’re just a glorified robot. You’re in line for replacement and you’ll fucking deserve it. At least that’s what I wanna say to “the computer said” people.
That was a beautiful read, cheers!
We have a table with literally three columns. One is an id, another a filename and a third a path. Guess which one was picked as the primary key?
Never seen something so stupid in 28 years of computing. Including my studies.
Hahaha! We’ve an “architect” who insists he needs to be the owner on the gitlab. My colleague has been telling him to fuck off for the entire week. It reached the point that fool actually complained to our common boss… The guy is so used to working as a start-up and has no fucking clue about proper procedures. It’s terrifying that he could be in charge of anything, really.
Ah, so that’s who those share buttons are for! Always wondered about that!