I actually thought the organization stuff is pretty good, coming from keepassxc myself. The way we have it set up is that each of the members of our family all have VW accounts, and we have a common organization shared among us for stuff we all use (e.g. home devices). It’s all in one installation, so it’s pretty convenient. I don’t think I can do the same as easily with keepass.
That being said, keepass is a really solid piece of software. I’d recommend it myself.
I get quite a bit of flak from my colleagues for paying for search, but I kid you not, I don’t regret splurging on a Kagi subscription at all. It’s personally less stressful for me, having to wade through less cruft, and I think I even work significantly faster because of how I use it.
It’s sad when you think about it. Search was such a good experience in the past.